Minecraft Zombie Not Attacking Villager? Do This to Fix It [2024]

How to Fix Minecraft Zombie Not Attacking Villager

Villagers and zombies are not the best friends around. They will fight each other whenever they have a chance.

Well, zombies will always try to kill defenseless villagers – that’s the way things work in The Overworld!

But what if zombies and villagers are not fighting each other? This surely isn’t supposed to happen.

Worry not – Gaming Power Up will teach you how to fix Minecraft zombie not attacking villager in 4 easy ways. 


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You can fix “zombies in Minecraft not attacking villagers” by updating your gaming device, restarting Minecraft, changing the game difficulty, and checking that there are no blocks or height differences between the zombie and the villager.

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Why Are Minecraft Zombies Not Attacking Villagers?

The Minecraft world works in an odd way. Sometimes, you can Starve to Death in Minecraft, and other times zombies will not attack villagers.

But why does this happen? Depending on the version of Minecraft you play on, there will be different reasons behind the “zombies cannot attract villagers in Minecraft” bug.

Minecraft Bedrock Zombie Not Attacking Villager

If you play Minecraft Bedrock Version, then there are two possible reasons why zombies are not attacking villagers:

  1. Your Console Needs to Update: Since Minecraft Bedrock runs on gaming consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo), zombies might not attack villagers if the console is outdated.
  2. Game-Related Bugs: we’ll further elaborate on this matter, but as a general rule, Zombies cannot attack villagers in high spots.

Why Isn’t  Minecraft Java Zombie Attacking Villager?

Minecraft Java Edition players can expect to face the zombie not attacking villagers bug due to two reasons:

  1. Your PC or Computer is Outdated: Minecraft Java runs on computers. To avoid certain bugs from happening, make sure to keep your computer’s Operating System updated at all times.
  2. Game-Related Bugs: there are some scenarios where zombies simply can’t attack villagers – read further to learn more.

How to Fix Minecraft Zombie Won’t Attack Villager

Some Minecraft players have already reported to Mojang bugs related to zombies not attacking villagers.

Nevertheless, Mojang’s solutions for this bug have been vague and lack a clear path to follow.

Worry not – there are four ways to fix Minecraft zombies not attacking villager, and we are going to show you them all. Keep on reading to dive deep into this topic.

Fix #1: Zombie Can’t Jump to the Same Elevation of Villager

Is a zombie trying to attack a villager that’s in a higher block than the zombie?

Well, Minecraft zombies cannot “go up” on certain blocks. If the villager is located way too high above the zombie, then the zombie will not be able to attack it.

In this case, remove the block that creates the height difference between the villager and the zombie and watch them fight each other in no time!

Fix #2: Remove Blocks Separating Zombies From Villagers

Some zombies do not attack villagers because there are some blocks in the way that prevent them from fighting each other. 

Make sure that there are no blocks between the villager and the zombie even if they are at the same height. Remove said block, and the zombie will immediately attack the villager.

Fix #3: Change the Minecraft Game Mode or Difficulty

If you are playing Minecraft in creative mode, then zombies will never attack villagers, no matter what you do.

Change your game mode to Survival or Adventure instead of Creative, and you will start to see violent zombie-villager interactions!

Likewise, check the current game difficulty you are playing. If you have Peaceful Difficult enabled, then Zombies will not interact with villagers.

Change the difficulty to easy, normal, or hard, and let them kill each other in a  ruthless battle.

Fix #4: Restart Minecraft and Update Your Gaming Device

Perhaps Minecraft is just facing a strange bug that is preventing zombies from attacking villagers.

In this case, entirely close the Minecraft game to fully restart it. Then, open it again, and zombies should attack villagers now.

Also, make sure that your gaming device is updated. Whether you play Minecraft on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo consoles, ensure that your console’s firmware is updated to the latest version.

Gaming Summary: Why Won’t My Zombie Attack My Villager?

Sometimes, Minecraft is all about making mobs fight with each other!

The natural order of things in The Overworld tells us that zombies MUST attack villagers.

Therefore, if this is not your case, then check out our solutions to fix zombies not attacking villagers in Minecraft bugs in no time. Get more fact-proven guides written by experts here, at Gaming Power Up.


How Much Damage Do Zombies Do in Minecraft?

The amount of damage zombies do in Minecraft depends on the difficulty level you are playing on. On Easy difficulty, zombies deal 2 hearts (4 health points) of damage with each hit. On Normal difficulty, zombies deal 3 hearts (6 health points) of damage with each hit. On Hard difficulty, zombies deal 4 hearts (8 health points) of damage with each hit.

Do Zombie Villagers Attack Villagers in Minecraft?

Yes, zombie villagers will attack normal villagers in Minecraft. When a zombie villager spawns or is created by the transformation of a normal villager through a zombie attack, it will become hostile toward other villagers and try to attack them.