Is the Sims 4 Good on Mac in 2024? I Think It Is, But…

Is the Sims 4 Good on Mac?

The Sims 4 has been around for quite some time, and let me tell you, it’s hands down one of the best games ever made! This life simulation video game is a classic in the gaming world, and there’s just something about The Sims that keeps you coming back for more.

Now, we all know that The Sims 4 is primarily designed for PC gaming. While there are versions for PlayStation and Xbox, let’s be honest, nothing quite matches the navigation and interface of the PC version.

But what if you’re an Apple user? Does The Sims 4 live up to the hype on Mac? At Gaming Power Up, we’ve got this burning question on our minds, and we’re about to spill the beans for you.

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Does Sims 4 Work Well on Mac?

If you are asking if the Sims 4 is available on Mac, the answer is yes, it is! But that’s not the question – the question is whether the Sims 4 works well on Mac or not.

Well, let’s be totally honest here – although Macbook devices are not totally suited to run games, The Sims 4 does runs well on Macs!

Do not bring yourself down – you are quite aware that you don’t have a gaming PC at hand, but your Macbook works perfectly for other matters. Fortunately, your Apple Macbook has the required graphics settings and space to let the Sims 4 run on it.

Thus, you can trust your Apple product on this one – download the Sims 4, and meet the minimum requirements with the newest Macbook models.

Is the Sims 4 Good on Mac?

The Sims 4 is good on Mac indeed, but as many users have mentioned, it only runs well if you keep the recommended settings to the minimum.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot push your Macbook to the edge – you can do this alright! But our recommendation, if you really want to have a nice gaming experience, is not to push your Macbook.

Some laptops are specifically built for dedicated gaming interfaces, and Macbooks are not one of them. Therefore, do what you can with what you have and share amazing The Sims 4 experiences with your friends.


Will My Macbook Run the Sims 4?

It will, and it runs better on Macbook Pro for sure. It isn’t always the same case for everyone. For instance, this TikTok user says that every time she tries to run The Sims 4 on her Macbook Pro M2, her computer sounds like an airplane engine!

This depends on how much space you have on your Mac and other factors, such as the installation of the program. At the end of the day, the good thing is that you can change the Settings, so they match the integrated hardware of your laptop.


Is the Sims 4 Good On MacBook Air?

MacBook Airs are less suited than MacBook Pros to run high-requirement programs, such as video games. If you download the Sims 4, and put it on low-settings mode, then you should not have any problem accessing the game whatsoever.

Nevertheless, it is hard to say – it depends on how old or how updated your MacBook Air is.


Is the Sims 4 Free On Mac 2022?

Yes! In October 2022, EA Games Announced that the Sims 4 is free on all platforms. This means that you can start playing this unique video game on your MacBook entirely for free!

Forget about waiting for information about other PC and Mac games – the Sims 4 is completely free, and you can start playing it whenever you want.


How to Play the Sims 4 Free on Mac 2022

The best way to know whether the Sims 4 is good on Mac or not is to test it by yourself. Thus, we recommend you learn how to play the Sims 4 free on Mac, and go for it! These are the quick steps you need to follow:

  1. Go to the Sims 4 installation page by clicking on this link.
  2. Then, select the Download Now button and select the Origin for Mac option.
  3. The installation of the EA Origin App will begin – wait for it to finish.
  4. Once Origin finishes its download, proceed to create an EA Account and log in to the game.
  5. Start playing The Sims 4 on your MacBook and enjoy a unique adventure!


Gaming Summary: Is the Sims 4 On Mac Worth It? I Think It Is

In my opinion, The Sims 4 on Mac is totally worth it. Some Macbooks will struggle to run the game, and some others will do so without major concerns.

Since the game is totally free, you lose nothing by trying it out by yourself. So, enjoy The Sims 4 on Mac and have a lot of fun!


Gamers Also Ask

Why is the Sims 4 Slow On Mac?

If you download The Sims 4 on Mac and the game happens to be really slow, then perhaps you need to update your macOS operating system. You can do it on your Mac settings. Also, maybe you need to free up storage space, so check your storage drive to see if this is the case or not.