Need to Fix Warzone Shadowban? This is How to Do It

how to fix Warzone shadowban

Is there this weird shadow lurking around your Activision account? Shadowban might sound more like a social media thing, but surprise! It can mess up your Call of Duty Warzone experience too.

Before you even think about ditching your Warzone account, let’s figure out how to shake off this Warzone shadowban. I’ve got seven different solutions that might just do the trick.

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Quick Gaming Answer

To fix Call of Duty Warzone shadowban, be patient and wait for the shadowban to naturally expire. Play the game naturally, avoiding any violations of the rules. Log out and log back into your Activision account to refresh your connection. Ensure your Activision profile is complete and verified to showcase your commitment to fair play. If issues persist, consider reinstalling Warzone to start fresh. Be mindful of in-game communication to prevent potential reports. Lastly, if needed, reach out to Activision Support to appeal and seek assistance.

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What Is Call of Duty Warzone Shadowban?

A Call of Duty: Warzone shadowban, also known simply as a “shadowban,” is a punitive measure taken by the game’s developers, usually Activision, against players suspected of violating the game’s terms of service, particularly in relation to cheating or disruptive behavior.

When a player is shadowbanned, they are placed into a separate matchmaking pool, where they will only play with other shadowbanned players

So, when you are shadowbanned on Warzone, you’ll feel like you are isolated from the rest of the players.

The purpose of a shadowban is to segregate potentially problematic players from the broader community to minimize their negative impact on fair play and the gaming experience of others.

This is not new – users on Reddit (r/Activision), forums, and social media groups talk all the time about getting shadowbanned in Call of Duty.

In fact, what motivated me to write this guide was a shadowban I faced in Call of Duty Warzone 2 a few months ago – it didn’t last for long, but it surely was annoying.


Why Am I Shadowbanned on Warzone?

Now we know what shadowban means in CoD Warzone, but why am I shadowbanned? There are three main reasons that can lead to Warzone shadowban.


1. Cheating or Hacking

Warzone takes cheating and hacking very seriously. If you are caught using third-party software, aimbots, wallhacks, or any other unauthorized tools that provide an unfair advantage over other players, you risk being shadowbanned. 

Activision employs anti-cheat systems to detect and penalize those engaging in such activities, aiming to maintain a level playing field for all participants, and they might start with shadowban before permaban!


2. Report Spamming

Report spamming refers to repeatedly and falsely reporting other players for offenses they have not committed. 

If you are reported multiple times in a short span for suspicious or disruptive behavior, the game’s automated reporting system may trigger a shadowban. 

This discourages players from misusing the reporting feature and ensures that genuine reports are given more weight. It emphasizes the importance of using the reporting system responsibly and accurately.


3. Unusual Gameplay Patterns

Warzone’s anti-cheat mechanisms are designed to identify unusual or suspicious gameplay patterns. 

For instance, an extremely high number of kills in a short duration or consistently exhibiting behavior that resembles cheating can trigger a flag on your account. 

This can lead to a review and potential Warzone shadowban to ensure fair gameplay. 

It’s essential to play the game legitimately and avoid any activities that could trigger false positives in the anti-cheat system, which may result in a shadowban.


How Do You Know if You Are Shadow-Banned in Warzone?

Detecting a shadowban in Warzone can be challenging since the game doesn’t provide explicit notifications for it. 

This means that you will not know you are shadowbanned unless you notice the following patterns while playing Warzone.

1. Unexpected Matchmaking: If you suddenly find it difficult to match with other players or experience unusually long matchmaking times, it could be a sign of a shadowban. Shadowbanned players are often matched with other shadowbanned accounts, which can result in longer wait times for finding a game.

2. Sudden Disconnects: If you’re frequently disconnected from matches without any prior warning or specific reason, it might be an indication of a shadowban. Being disconnected abruptly could be the system moving you to the shadowbanned player pool.

3. Unusual Gameplay Experience: If you notice a significant change in the skill level or behavior of the players you’re being matched with, this might suggest a shadowban. Shadowbanned players are typically grouped together, and you may observe different gameplay dynamics compared to regular matchmaking.

4. Limited Communication or Engagement: If you find that you’re unable to communicate with or receive responses from other players through CoD in-game chat, voice, or other communication features, it could be due to being shadow banned and restricted to playing with other shadowbanned players.

5. Inconsistencies in Matchmaking: If you consistently match with the same set of players or a small pool of opponents, and this pattern persists over an extended period, it may indicate that you’re in the shadowbanned player pool on Warzone.


How Long Does Warzone Shadow Ban Last?

It’s hard to say – In our experience, Warzone shadowban lasts from 3 to 15 days, but it could be more than that (or even just a few hours).

Officially, the specific duration of a Warzone shadow ban can vary and is typically not publicly disclosed by Activision, the game’s developer. 

For example, these Redditors (Reddit) got shadowbanned four times… in just ten days!

This will make player Warzone a headache, as several errors (such as Warzone no teammates) will certainly appear.

In conclusion, the length of a shadow ban on Warzone can depend on several factors, including the severity of the violation, previous offenses, and the discretion of the game’s administrators.


Can You Get Out of Shadow Ban Warzone?

Yes, it is possible to get out of a shadow ban in Warzone and recover your Warzone account, but it will not always be easy! 

Many players have reported successfully resolving their shadow ban issues. Additionally, some Redditors have shared their experiences of being shadowbanned and finding ways to rectify the situation. 

Personally, I have come across instances where individuals faced a shadow ban in Warzone and were able to resolve the issue, and now, I’m going to teach you how to do it.


7 Ways to Fix Warzone Shadowban

Now, it’s time to go back to the battlefields as the warriors we are: unshadowbanned.

These seven solutions will teach you how to fix Warzone shadowban right away. 



How To Get Rid of CoD Warzone Shadow Ban

1. Wait Until CoD Warzone Shadow Ban Disappears

If you find yourself shadowbanned in Call of Duty: Warzone, the first suggested fix is to be patient and wait for the shadow ban to be lifted. 

Shadow bans in Warzone are often temporary, and the duration can vary based on factors such as the severity of the violation and the game administrators’ decision. 

So, if you can afford yourself to wait for a while (go play some Halo or Battlefield in the meantime), do this:

1. Be Patient: Shadow bans in Warzone are often temporary, so exercise patience during this period.

2. Avoid Violations: Refrain from any activities that might further violate the game’s terms of service while waiting for the ban to be lifted.

3. No Cheating or Hacks: Do not use cheats, hacks, or any unauthorized third-party software during the waiting period.

4. Reflect on Fair Play: Use this time to reflect on fair play and ensure you adhere to the game’s rules once the ban is lifted.

2. Play Call of Duty Warzone Naturally 

Have you thought about not being part of CoD’s toxic community? This simple trick can be what you need to get rid of CoD Warzone shadowban.

By adhering to the rules and guidelines provided by the game, you contribute to creating a level playing field for all players. 

Engage in battles, complete objectives, and interact with the gaming community while avoiding actions that might be flagged as suspicious or against the terms of service.

1. Fair Play: Embrace fair play and refrain from using cheats or any form of unfair advantage.

2. Respect Game Rules: Adhere to the rules and guidelines provided by the game to contribute to a level playing field.

3. Engage Ethically: Engage in battles, complete objectives, and interact with the gaming community while playing ethically.

4. Avoid Suspicious Actions: Steer clear of actions that might be flagged as suspicious or against the terms of service.

3. Logout and Log Into Your Activision Account

This is what worked for me – I unliked my Activision account from my Xbox, and that worked like magic!

To log out and log into your Activision account to fix Warzone shadowban, follow these official Activision steps:

Log Out of Activision Account via Web:

  • Log in to your Activision account.
  • Navigate to the “Account Linking” section.
  • Find the platform account you wish to unlink and select “Unlink.”
  • Confirm your action and proceed.
  • Go back to your console and log into your Activision account from scratch.
  • You can unlink individual platform accounts once every 12 months.

If you are failing to do this, you might need to change your Activision email or password like this:

  • Go to the Activision account login page.
  • Choose the platform account you wish to use to log in and log in.
  • Return to the Activision website after logging in through the platform account.
  • Update your password and email address.

Progress and content are stored on your Activision account, not the platform account, so unlinking won’t result in a loss of progress or content

4. Complete Your Activision Profile 

Activision is most likely to shadowban accounts that look like bots.

Remember that Warzone 2 is a free-to-play game, which means that everyone can create a game account and mess with others.

Therefore, to get rid of Warzone shadowban, complete you gaming profile like this:

1. Profile Completion: Fill out all necessary details in your Activision profile, including a valid email address, a secure password, and other required information. Completing your profile demonstrates a genuine and legitimate user account.

2. Verification: Verify your email address to add an extra layer of authenticity to your profile. Verified profiles are often considered more reliable and are less likely to be flagged for potential violations.

3. Transparency and Trust: A complete and verified profile conveys transparency and trustworthiness. Game developers, like Activision, are more likely to prioritize fair play for players who provide accurate and complete profile information.

4. Less Susceptibility to Flagging: Profiles that lack completeness or verification may raise suspicions, potentially leading to more scrutiny and an increased likelihood of being shadowbanned.

By maintaining a fully completed and verified Activision profile, you demonstrate your commitment to fair play and legitimate gaming, which can contribute to a reduced risk of shadowban in Warzone.

5. Reinstall Call of Duty Warzone

Let’s try to reinstall the game to get rid of CoD shadowban. Worry not – your personal info will not be lost. This is how you can reinstall CoD Warzone:

1. To reinstall CoD Warzone For PC:

Uninstall Warzone:

  • Open the launcher.
  • Go to the “Call of Duty: Warzone” tab.
  • Click the settings gear icon near the play button.
  • Select “Uninstall Game.”

Download and Reinstall Warzone:

  • Open the launcher.
  • Go to the “Call of Duty: Warzone” tab.
  • Click the install button and follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall the game.

2. To Reinstall Warzone For Xbox:

Uninstall Warzone:

  • Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
  • Navigate to “My games & apps.”
  • Find Call of Duty: Warzone, highlight it, and press the Menu button.
  • Select “Uninstall.”

Reinstall Warzone:

  • Open the Microsoft Store.
  • Search for Call of Duty: Warzone and select it.
  • Click on “Install” or “Download.”

3. To Reinstall Warzone For PlayStation:

Uninstall Warzone:

  • Navigate to the Warzone icon on the PS home screen.
  • Press the Options button, then select “Delete.”

Reinstall Warzone:

  • Go to the PlayStation Store.
  • Search for Call of Duty: Warzone and select it.
  • Click on “Download.”

6. Avoid Messaging Other CoD Warzone Users

Sometimes, a simple message to another CoD player can be the difference between getting shadowbanned or permanently banned.

If you notice that you are shadowbanned in CoD Warzone, then follow these tips and thank me later:

1. Avoid messaging other Call of Duty: Warzone users, as this can help prevent potential issues with being flagged for shadowbanning due to chat interactions.

2. Understand the Risk: Engaging in conversations, especially trash-talking or contentious discussions, within the game’s chat system might lead to reports from other players. Excessive or inappropriate reports can potentially flag your account for review.

3. Limit Communication: Minimize interactions with other players via in-game chat to essential or strategic communication related to the game itself. Refrain from engaging in arguments, insults, or offensive language.

4. Mute or Block: If you encounter toxic players, consider muting or blocking them to avoid unnecessary interactions and potential conflicts. This helps maintain a more focused and positive gaming experience.

Encourage and promote a positive gaming environment by being respectful and considerate towards other Call of Duty players – even if you don’t care about them (let’s be honest here), you need to do so to get rid of CoD Warzone shadow ban.

7. Appeal the Warzone Shadowban With Activision Support Team

Appealing CoD Warzone shadowban is not easy because the official Activision page for Warzone Ban Appeals only lets you appeal if your account has been banned.

This creates a frustrating scenario that can be sorted out by directly emailing Activision.

The email of Activision is: However, you can find other email addresses online.

Use the following Warzone Shadowban Appeal Copy & Paste Example to make things easier for you:

Subject: Appeal for Warzone Shadowban – Requesting Account Review

Hello, Activision Support Team,

I am writing to appeal a recent shadowban placed on my Call of Duty: Warzone account. 

I value fair play and understand the importance of adhering to the game’s rules and guidelines to ensure an enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Upon reviewing my recent account status, I have come to understand that a shadowban was imposed on my account due to potential violations of the game’s rules. 

While I acknowledge this, I assure you that any such actions were unintentional and occurred without a full understanding of the consequences.

In light of this, I am committed to:

  • Adhering to the rules and guidelines set forth by the game.
  • Respecting fellow players and promoting a positive gaming environment.
  • Avoiding any actions that may result in a violation of the game’s terms.

I request a thorough review of my account and the circumstances that led to the shadowban. 

I am eager for the opportunity to demonstrate my commitment to fair play and responsible gaming. Your guidance and feedback would be invaluable in helping me avoid similar situations in the future.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

[Your Activision Account ID]

[Your Contact Information]

Gaming Summary: How To Get Rid of Warzone Shadowban

Experiencing a Warzone shadowban is frustrating—I’ve been there! It’s surprising to deal with this in Call of Duty, but thanks to Gaming Power Up’s research.

Here are the top seven ways to tackle that Call of Duty Warzone shadowban: Have patience, play naturally, log out and in, complete your Activision profile, consider reinstalling the game, avoid messaging other users, and appeal directly to the Activision Support Team.

Gamers Also Ask

Can Activision Fix Shadow Bans?

Yes, Activision has the capability to address and potentially lift shadow bans. They conduct reviews of accounts that have been shadowbanned, assessing if the ban was warranted. 

If it’s determined that the ban was a mistake or due to an error, Activision can take corrective action and lift the shadow ban. However, if a violation is confirmed, they may uphold the ban in accordance with their policies

Is Shadowban Permanent on Warzone?

No, a shadowban in Warzone is not permanent. It is a temporary measure, segregating the player to a restricted pool for a certain duration. However, repeated violations or severe offenses detected during the shadowban period can potentially lead to a permanent ban on the account.