Let’s Learn How to Sell Your Genshin Impact Account [2024 Guide]

How to Sell Genshin Impact Account

Time to part ways – Genshin Impact, it’s not you; it’s me! Sometimes, we just get a bit worn out from the video games we’ve poured hours into.

In my case, I was deep into Genshin Impact for months, playing day after day and throwing some cash into premium stuff.

When I hit the point of saying goodbye to the game, I didn’t want to lose what I’d invested. The fix? I sold my Genshin Impact account on my own.

Now, using my Gaming Power Up expertise, I’ll guide you on how to sell your Genshin Impact account in 5 quick steps. Let’s make it snappy!

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Quick Gaming Answer

You can sell your Genshin Impact account through Auction Websites, Account Buyers, or marketplaces such as eBay. It is important to change your account credentials before sending them to the buyer. Keep on reading to learn how to do it.

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Can You Sell Genshin Impact Accounts?

In theory, yes, you can sell your own Genshin Impact account if you want. 

The process of selling your Genshin Impact profile implies that you will give your credentials to someone in exchange for money.

This is totally doable, but most times, it is not recommended because it goes against HoYoLab’s terms and services. 

Either way, hundreds of Genshin Impact players sell their accounts every day, so if you don’t want to play the game anymore, and you invested a lot of money and hours into it, then you have the right to sell it.


Is It Legal to Sell Genshin Impact Account?

According to HoYoLab (Genshin Impact developers), trading or selling Genshin Impact accounts is forbidden.

You can see users in HoYoLab Forums reporting account sellers online. The consequences of selling your Genshin Impact account can be really bad, since it can lead to account suspension or restriction.

Of course, you should only sell your Genshin Impact account at your own risk. If you do things right, we highly doubt that you will face big consequences.


How Much Can You Sell Genshin Impact Account For?

Genshin Impact accounts can be sold from $50 USD to $500 USD, but it depends on the virtual goods that your account possesses. Some Genshin Impact accounts have been sold for thousands of dollars!

Some of the factors that directly influence the price of Genshin Impact accounts are the following:

  1. The rarity, level and variety of your characters.
  2. The amount of in-game currency currently available on the account.
  3. The rarity, amount and uniqueness of in-game items on your account.
  4. The overall progress and playtime on Genshin Impact.
  5. The reputation of the Genshin Impact account.

Usually, buyers acquire a Genshin Impact account to avoid grinding for too long inside the game.

As you know, you need to spend a lot of time inside Genshin Impact to have a truly powerful and desirable account. Buyers skip this grind by acquiring accounts online.


where to sell genshin impact account

Where to Sell Genshin Impact Account 

There are three main places where you can sell your Genshin Impact profile:

1. Auction Websites: there are multiple Auction Websites where users can list their virtual gaming goods, including Genshin Impact accounts, and connect with buyers interested in their profiles.

2. Direct Buyers: some websites act as direct buyers of Genshin Impact accounts. Instead of listing your profile and waiting for a buyer to be interested in it, you sell the account directly to the company, and then they resell it online. This process is relatively quick, but you will make less money than usual.

3. Popular Online Marketplaces: some Genshin users have sold their own Genshin Impact accounts through popular marketplaces online, such as eBay and even Facebook Marketplace.


How to Sell Genshin Account: 5 Steps in 2023

Genshin Impact was one of my favorite video games, but when the time to say goodbye arrived, I had no option but to sell my old account.

What’s done is done, and the reality is that my account now belongs to a person that will take more care of it than I did. 

Follow these five updated steps to learn how to sell your Genshin Impact account successfully in 2023.


Step 1: Find a Genshin Account Buyer

You need to find a Genshin Account buyer online in order to sell your account.

You can either go to an Auction Website or a Direct Buyer Website.

AccKings will buy your account directly, but they will probably pay you less money than if you sell it by yourself.

However, the marketplace I recommend is PlayersLoot. You can easily sell Genshin Impact Accounts on PlayersLoot by listing them and waiting for a buyer to show interest in buying them. 

If you want to sell your Genshin account safely, efficiently, and quickly, PlayersLoot is the way to go.

genshin impact marketplace listing example

Step 2: Unlink Associated Accounts

You need to prepare your Genshin Impact account to be transferred. This means that you need to get rid of all associated accounts linked to your profile. 

  1. Log in to your Genshin Impact account via MiYoHo’s website.
  2. Go to Account Settings, and select Associated Accounts.
  3. Unlink your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Apple or PSN accounts. You must unlink them all – otherwise, you will face problems during the sale of the account.

Step 3: Change the Genshin Account Email and Password

Once you have unlinked your associated accounts, it is time to change your email and password.

Set up an email that does not directly belong to you. In my case, I created a secondary email that I wasn’t going to use. These are the steps you must follow: 

  1. Log in to your Genshin Account on MiYoHo’s website.
  2. Go to Account Security Settings.
  3. Select Email, and click Modify. Follow MiYoHo’s instructions to change your email.
  4. Then, select Password, and set up a new password. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the new password.
  5. Confirm and save your changes.

Step 4: Confirm the Account Purchase

Now, you must be 100% sure that the buyer will purchase your Genshin account.

Make sure to receive the money first. You can get paid by the method you prefer, such as PayPal or Wise Transfer.

Most Gaming Auction websites act as middleman platforms that retain the buyer’s money safely until you transfer the account. If you sell your account via PlayersLoot, then you can rest assured that you will find a legit buyer. 

Step 5: Send Geshin Account Details to the Buyer

Once you get paid for your Genshin Impact account, send the account details to the new buyer.

You need to send them the new email and password set on your profile. Make sure to send them the email password as well (this is why the email must not be related to you in any way).

They will confirm the information, and both parties will be happy. That’s how you sell a Genshin Impact account in 2023!

How to Sell Genshin Impact Account on eBay

There’s a second method to sell your Genshin Impact account: selling the account through eBay.

If you live in the United States, then you have probably heard about eBay. eBay has greatly improved their safety methods against scammers, so it is a rather safe alternative to sell your Genshin Impact as well. 

Step 1: List the Genshin Account on eBay

Create an eBay account, include your personal details, and list your Genshin Impact profile on the marketplace.

The process is quite easy, and everyone can do it, but keep in mind that you will need to enter your personal details in order to protect both parties.

List your account in the Video Game Category. Include your account information (items, characters, and more), and wait for buyers to come.

Step 2: Find a Buyer and Complete the Transaction

Once you get a buyer, wait for them to pay you for the total amount of the account.

On eBay, buyers need to pay first, so it is a safe way to ensure that you will not be scammed by unfaithful buyers.

Step 3: Change Account Email and Password and Send the Credentials to the Buyer

Lastly, change your account email and password as mentioned above, and send the new credentials to the buyer.

Complete the sale, and don’t forget to rate the transaction on eBay! 

Gaming Summary: Let’s Sell Your Genshin Impact Account

Selling a Genshin Impact account is usually a breeze – just stick to the steps in this guide, and you’ll be done in no time.

Don’t forget, you’ll need a buyer, a secure way to get paid, and fresh credentials to smoothly hand over the account to its new owner.

I’ve been through this process, so if you’ve got more questions, head to the Gaming Power Up’s about page and shoot me a message for some extra expert advice.

Gamers Also Ask

Can You Safely Sell Genshin Impact Account?

Yes, you can safely sell your Genshin Impact account if you do so through a reputable website, such as PlayersLoot – remember that ensuring your safety is imperative in these processes.