How I Sold My Final Fantasy XIV Account Online

how to sell my final fantasy XIV account


In the mystical realms of Eorzea, where the echoes of Chocobo calls and the clash of steel on steel paint a vibrant tapestry of adventure, I embarked on an unforgettable journey as an ardent player of Final Fantasy XIV. 

The world of Eorzea became my home, its denizens my comrades, and its challenges my crucible. 

Yet, as my path in the game unfolded, I eventually arrived at a crossroads. It was a decision I knew would resonate not only in the virtual landscapes of the game but also in the real world – the decision to part ways with the character I’d poured my heart and soul into. 

This is the tale of how I sold my beloved Final Fantasy XIV account online, a bittersweet chapter in a digital odyssey that touched my very core.


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Quick Gaming Answer

I successfully sold my Final Fantasy XIV account, despite SQUARE ENIX’s restrictions, by adhering to their guidelines and finding a willing buyer. PlayersLoot proved to be a reliable platform for my transaction. The entire process was smooth and followed the rules, reinforcing the notion that parting with your account can be straightforward.

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Can I Sell My Final Fantasy XIV Account?

The game’s publisher, SQUARE ENIX, does not allow the sale or transfer of player accounts. It’s a rule etched in the crystal-clear guidelines of the game. 

But, as the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way. In my quest to part with my beloved account, I found an individual who was willing to take it off my hands despite these stringent rules.

SQUARE ENIX holds a strict stance on account sharing and selling. Transferring, selling, or sharing an account is expressly prohibited. 
According to their guidelines, a SQUARE ENIX account should only be accessed and used by the original user, and account information should never be provided to any individual outside of your legal guardian, a minor in your care, or a SQUARE ENIX Support Center representative.
Adhering to these rules is not just about compliance; it also serves as a shield, guarding your account against outside influences that may jeopardize its integrity. 
That’s why, in my experience, it is crucial to proceed with caution and consider the potential consequences before engaging in such transactions.

Understanding the Account Selling Market

As I set out on my journey to part ways with my cherished Final Fantasy XIV account, I navigated through the digital landscapes of various websites.
 It seemed like everyone and their Chocobo had a platform for selling game accounts, each claiming to be the best in its own way. The options were as abundant as a Cactuar parade in the desert.
But amidst this sea of choices, I stumbled upon PlayersLoot, and it was like finding a hidden treasure chest in the Labyrinth of the Ancients.
PlayersLoot proved to be the ideal place to sell my account. Its user-friendly interface, straightforward process, tens of Final Fantasy XIV accounts for sale, and a community of trustworthy buyers and sellers made my decision crystal clear. 
So, with the path ahead illuminated like a Moogle’s pom-pom, I embarked on my journey to list my Final Fantasy XIV account for sale.


What I Did Before Selling My Final Fantasy XIV

Before I finally sold my FFXIV account, I did three main things:


1. Removed My Personal Information

Before preparing my Final Fantasy XIV account for sale, I took care to scrub any personal information from it. This included removing any reference to my real name, contact information, or other sensitive details to ensure the privacy and security of both myself and the future account owner.


2. Changed the Account’s Email and Password

Security was paramount. I changed the account’s associated email address to a temporary one, ensuring that my primary email remained safeguarded. Additionally, I updated the password to a strong, unique combination for added protection. This step aimed to minimize the risk of unauthorized access or any potential complications during the sale process.


3. Took Real Pictures of the Account Stats

To provide potential buyers with full transparency and a glimpse into what they were getting, I took real, unaltered screenshots of the account’s in-game statistics, achievements, gear, and character details. These images acted as evidence of the account’s value, ensuring that interested parties could make an informed decision when considering the purchase.

Determining the Price of My Final Fantasy XIV – How Much Was it Worth?

When determining the price of my Final Fantasy XIV account, I considered five critical factors that are central to the game’s value:
  1. Character Level and Progress: The level of my character and the progress I had made within the game was a significant factor. Higher-level characters with impressive achievements, powerful gear, and challenging content completed often command a higher price.

  2. Rare and Valuable In-Game Items: I assessed the rarity and desirability of in-game items, equipment, mounts, and cosmetics that were on the account. Some items, like exclusive event rewards or limited-time promotions, held more value in the market.

  3. Account Reputation and Achievements: Buyers often look for well-regarded accounts with a positive reputation within the game’s community. Achievements, commendations, and a clean track record can add value to the account.

  4. Gil and In-Game Currency: The amount of in-game currency, such as Gil in Final Fantasy XIV, held by the account was also taken into consideration. A surplus of currency indicates financial stability and can be attractive to potential buyers.


  5. Account History and Playtime: The length of time the account had been active and the total playtime invested in the character was a factor. Veteran accounts with extensive histories may be priced higher due to their established presence in the game.

How Much Are Other Final Fantasy XIV Accounts Online?

I took a look at different listings of FFXIV accounts online and discovered that they were around 5 different price ranges:
  1. High-End Endwalker Account: These accounts feature a significant level of progression, including multiple level 90 jobs, completion of main story content, and a substantial amount of Gil. Prices range from approximately $410 to $650.

  2. Mid-Range Endwalker Accounts: Accounts with various level 90 jobs, some story content completed, and raid readiness fall within this category. These accounts are priced between $350 and $500.

  3. Endwalker Starter and Alternative Accounts: These accounts may be newer with specific job focuses or still have content to complete. Prices in this range start at around $99 and can go up to $299.

  4. Legacy Accounts: Some accounts on the market are older, with achievements and items collected over time. They can be priced significantly higher, ranging from $1,000 to $1,799.

  5. Starter Accounts: Accounts with the base game or limited progress are available for budget-conscious buyers, starting at approximately $39.

Selling My Final Fantasy XIV in 3 Steps

I had all the information I needed to sell my FFXIV profile online, and so I started my journey – these are the three steps I followed to sell my Final Fantasy XIV account.
How I Sold My Final Fantasy XIV

Step 1: Setting Up a PlayersLoot Account

The first step in parting with my beloved Final Fantasy XIV account was setting up a PlayersLoot account. 

PlayersLoot is a reputable online marketplace that specializes in gaming account transactions. As my alter ego, I needed a safe and secure platform to connect with potential buyers and navigate the selling process. 

The process was straightforward: I created an account, verified my details, and got ready to list my cherished account for sale.

Step 2: Listing My Final Fantasy XIV Account for Sale

Listing my Final Fantasy XIV account for sale on PlayersLoot was the heart of the operation. With a carefully crafted listing, I aimed to provide potential buyers with all the vital information about my account.
This is the template I used, and you can use it too:
“Hello, fellow adventurers of Eorzea! I’ve embarked on a new journey and decided to part with my cherished Final Fantasy XIV account. It’s time to pass the torch to another brave soul. Here are the details of my account up for sale:
Account Overview:
  • Server: [Server Name]
  • Character Name: [Character Name]
  • Main Job: [Your Character’s Main Job]
  • Gil: [Amount of Gil]
  • Mounts: [Number of Mounts]
  • Minions: [Number of Minions]
  • Titles: [List of Titles Earned]
  • Achievement Points: [Total Achievement Points]
  • Miscellaneous Items: [Any rare, valuable, or unique items you own]
Character Progression:
  • Main Story Quest: [Progress in Main Story Quests]
  • Expansions Unlocked: [List of Unlocked Expansions]
  • Job Levels: [List of Job Levels and Progress]
  • Crafting and Gathering: [Crafting and Gathering Job Levels]
  • Housing: [Description of Your Housing Status]
  • FC Membership: [Your Free Company (if applicable)]
Additional Information:
  • Account Age: [How Long You’ve Owned the Account]
  • Original Owner: [Specify if You Are the Original Owner]
  • Transference of Ownership: [Your Terms and Conditions for Transfer]
  • Asking Price: [Your Asking Price]
  • Payment Method: [Preferred Payment Method]
  • Negotiable: [Indicate If Price Is Negotiable]
  • Security: Your account information will be securely handled to ensure a smooth transition.”

Step 3: Waiting for a Buyer and Transferring Ownership

After listing my Final Fantasy XIV account on PlayersLoot, the waiting game began. It was all about patience at this stage, as finding the right buyer who valued my account as much as I did took some time.
While waiting, I regularly checked my PlayersLoot account and email for any inquiries or offers from potential buyers. Quick responses and open communication were key to building trust with those interested.
When I finally found a suitable buyer, we discussed the terms of the sale, including the agreed-upon price and the process for transferring the account’s ownership. Here, PlayersLoot provided essential support in facilitating a safe and secure transfer.
We ensured that the account details, including login credentials, were changed, and all necessary information was handed over to the new owner. This way, I could be certain that my cherished Final Fantasy XIV account was in capable hands, and the buyer could enjoy their new journey in the realm of Eorzea.
Remember, as the seller, it was important to confirm the transaction’s completion on PlayersLoot once the account was transferred. 

What Happened After I Sold My Final Fantasy XIV Account?

The sale of my Final Fantasy XIV account went remarkably smoothly. 
After the account transfer was successfully completed, I received the agreed-upon payment through PlayersLoot. The process was straightforward, and I had full confidence in the platform’s security measures.
As for the new owner of my beloved account, I provided some additional assistance to ensure they could seamlessly transition into their new adventures within Eorzea. 
This included sharing tips on gameplay, pointing out in-game resources, and even recommending some friendly Free Companies for them to join.
While I said goodbye to my character and all the memories associated with it, I felt content knowing that my Final Fantasy XIV account found a new home with a passionate gamer eager to continue the journey.
It’s essential to acknowledge that every account sale may have unique post-transaction scenarios. 
In some cases, players might choose to remain in touch to share their experiences, or others may prefer a clean break. Whatever the path chosen, the key was to ensure that the account’s new owner could enjoy it to the fullest.

Gaming Summary: Selling Your Final Fantasy XIV Is as Easy as Dominating Eorzea

In my journey of selling my beloved Final Fantasy XIV account, I discovered that parting with your Eorzean adventures can be as smooth and efficient as mastering the battles within the game itself. 
With the help of platforms like PlayersLoot, the process of listing, selling, and transferring ownership of your account is made remarkably easy.
Just as in the game, where teamwork, strategy, and dedication lead to victory, selling your FFXIV account requires a sense of commitment to ensure a secure and trustworthy transaction. The rules set by SQUARE ENIX and the platform guidelines should always be followed to protect both parties involved.
So, remember, selling your Final Fantasy XIV account is indeed as easy as dominating Eorzea – a testament to the vibrant gaming community and the legacy we leave behind in this captivating virtual realm. May your journeys in both the game and account selling be filled with excitement and camaraderie!