How to Sell My Valorant Account in 5 Easy Steps

How to Sell My Valorant Account


In the ever-evolving world of competitive gaming, Valorant stands as a testament to strategic prowess, aiming precision, and tactical finesse. 

Your journey through this high-stakes universe has been one of dedication and countless hours honing your skills. 

But now, the time has come to embark on a new chapter and part ways with your Valorant account. 

Let’s learn how you can sell your Valorant account safely by following 5 easy steps


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Quick Gaming Answer

To sell your Valorant account, prepare it for transfer, list it on reputable platforms like PlayersLoot, wait for a buyer, and ensure a secure transfer of ownership. After the sale, outcomes can vary, including the buyer’s success in the game and potential opportunities for resale.

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Can I Sell My Valorant Account?

Yes, it’s technically possible to sell your Valorant account, but it’s essential to proceed with utmost caution. Valorant’s Terms of Service, like many online games, typically prohibit the sale or transfer of accounts. 

Engaging in such transactions can carry consequences, including the risk of account suspension if discovered by the game’s developers. 

While some players may attempt to sell their accounts discreetly, it’s essential to understand that this action isn’t endorsed or supported by the game’s creators.

Before deciding to sell your Valorant account, it’s crucial to consider the potential risks involved and whether the monetary gain is worth the possible repercussions.

Fortunately for you, Gaming Power Up is here to teach you how to sell your Valorant account safely. 

Valorant Rules About Selling Accounts in 2023

Riot Games has three rules about selling Valorant accounts online:

  1. Account Sharing Prohibited: Sharing your Valorant account or login credentials with anyone else is strictly against the rules. Your account and login information are intended solely for your personal use.

  2. No Account Selling or Transferring: You are not allowed to sell, transfer, or permit any other individual to access your Valorant account or login credentials, nor can you offer to do so. This rule is in place to maintain the integrity and security of user accounts.

  3. Secrecy and Prompt Reporting: It is imperative to keep your login credentials confidential. If you ever suspect or become aware of any breach of security, unauthorized access to your account, or any compromise of your login information, you must report it immediately to Valorant. You are accountable for any losses resulting from sharing your login credentials or failing to secure your account.

Where Can I Sell My Valorant Account?

After performing a long study, Gaming Power Up discovered three main places where you can sell your Valorant account safely.

1. Exclusive Gaming Marketplaces – PlayersLoot 

PlayersLoot is a specialized gaming marketplace that caters to the buying and selling of gaming accounts and in-game items. It’s a secure platform designed for gamers to trade their Valorant accounts. 

PlayersLoot provides a dedicated space for listing your account, attracting potential buyers who are specifically interested in Valorant. You can find Valorant accounts for sale here. 

2. Mainstream Platforms like eBay and Similar Alternatives

Mainstream platforms such as eBay also offer opportunities to sell your Valorant account. While these platforms may have a broader audience, they may not be as gaming-focused as PlayersLoot. 
Using mainstream platforms requires adherence to their general terms and conditions, and you might need to compete with various unrelated listings.

3. Social Media Enclaves and Gaming Forums

Selling your Valorant account on social media or gaming forums is another option, but it comes with its own set of considerations. Here, you can directly engage with the gaming community, but it may require more effort in terms of marketing and trust-building. 

Additionally, you’ll need to be cautious of potential scams or fraudulent buyers, as these environments might not offer the same level of security as dedicated marketplaces like PlayersLoot.

How Much Is My Valorant Account Worth?

There are five factors that determine the value of your Valorant account:

  1. Account Level and Rank: Your Valorant account’s level, as well as your competitive rank, plays a significant role in determining its worth. Higher-level accounts with impressive ranks and statistics are generally more valuable.

  2. Skins and Weapon Skins: The collection of weapon skins, character skins, and other in-game cosmetics can substantially impact the account’s value. Rare or exclusive skins and high-tier cosmetics tend to increase the account’s worth.

  3. Agent Unlocks: The number of unlocked agents and the rarity of these agents can affect the value. Accounts with all agents unlocked, particularly rare and exclusive agents, are more sought after.

  4. Achievements and Statistics: Accounts with notable achievements, high win rates, or impressive in-game statistics can command a higher price. These achievements reflect the account’s performance and the effort invested in it.

  5. Valorant Points (VP) and In-Game Currency: The presence of Valorant Points (VP) or a substantial amount of in-game currency can make an account more attractive. This currency allows the new owner to purchase skins and other in-game items.

How Much Are Valorant Accounts Online?

After researching a couple of widely known marketplaces, we found out that there are three main price ranges for valorant accounts online:

  • Low Price Range ($5.00 – $39.90): In this category, you’ll find basic Valorant accounts, which may include low-ranked smurf accounts and accounts with a limited number of skins. Prices range from $5.00 to $39.90.

  • Mid Price Range ($139.90 – $279.99): Valorant accounts within this range offer better in-game skins and potentially higher ranks. Prices typically fall between $139.90 and $279.99.

  • High Price Range ($359.99 – $1,699.00): If you’re looking for Valorant accounts with rare skins, high-level ranks, and various additional features, this range is where you’ll find them. Prices range from $359.99 to $1,699.00.

3 Tips Before Selling Your Valorant Account

If you’ve decided to sell your Valorant profile, then there are three tips and pieces of advice to consider before doing so.

1. Understand the Terms and Conditions

Before selling your Valorant account, it’s crucial to thoroughly read and comprehend Valorant’s Terms and Conditions. This ensures that you’re aware of any restrictions or rules regarding the sale of game accounts. 
Some games explicitly prohibit selling accounts, while others may have certain conditions to follow. Understanding these terms can help you avoid any potential legal or account-related issues.

2. Secure Your Personal Information

To protect your personal information, it’s essential to take measures to secure your account before selling it. This includes changing your login credentials, passwords, and any associated email addresses. 
Make sure your account is detached from any personal information to prevent potential security breaches. Failing to do so might expose sensitive data to the buyer and could lead to complications in the future.

3. Use Trusted Platforms and Be Cautious:

When selling your Valorant account, it’s important to use trusted and reputable platforms or marketplaces. Sites like PlayersLoot have a good reputation for facilitating secure transactions. However, even on trusted platforms, exercise caution. 
Be aware of potential scams and avoid sharing personal information with potential buyers. Ensure you follow the platform’s guidelines for a safe and secure transaction.

How to Sell My Valorant Account: 5 Steps

We are ready – it’s time to list your Valorant account for sale! To do so, follow these 5 steps.

how to sell my valorant account

Step 1: Get the Valorant Account Ready to Transfer

Before you can sell your Valorant account, it’s essential to prepare it for transfer. This involves ensuring that all the relevant information, such as the login credentials, in-game items, and skins, are ready to be handed over to the buyer. 

You should also remove any personal information associated with the account, such as email addresses, to maintain your privacy. Getting your account ready for transfer makes the selling process smoother and helps avoid complications.

Step 2: Go to a Reputable Marketplace or Online Platform (PlayersLoot)

To successfully sell your Valorant account, you’ll need to find a reputable marketplace or online platform. PlayersLoot is a recognized and trustworthy platform where you can list your account for sale. 

Reputable platforms like PlayersLoot offer a secure environment for transactions, ensuring that both buyers and sellers are protected. 

By using such platforms, you gain access to a wider audience of potential buyers, increasing the chances of a successful sale while minimizing the risk of scams or fraudulent activities.

Step 3: List the Valorant Account for Sale (+ Template)

Use the following Valorant account for sale listing template to publish your profile in online marketplaces: 
“Valorant Account for Sale – [Your Valorant Username]
I’m selling my Valorant account, and it could be yours today! This account is packed with exciting content and a high rank. Whether you’re looking for a new main account or a smurf, this is a great opportunity.
Account Details:
  • Username: [Your Valorant Username]
  • Region: [NA, EU, AP, etc.]
  • Rank: [Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Immortal, Radiant]
  • Agent Unlocks: [List the unlocked agents]
  • Skins: [List valuable skins, if any]
  • Radianite Points: [Amount of Radianite Points]
  • Valorant Points: [Amount of Valorant Points]
Additional Information:
  • Account is registered with a unique email address.
  • No cheats, hacks, or exploits have been used on this account.
  • Full access to the account will be provided, including email and password.
  • Instant delivery upon payment.
  • Warranty and customer support.

Price: [Your Asking Price]

Step 4: Wait for a Valorant Account Buyer

After listing your Valorant account, you’ll need to be patient and wait for potential buyers to express interest. 

Monitor the platform or marketplace where you’ve listed your account regularly. Respond to inquiries promptly, answer any questions potential buyers may have, and be prepared to negotiate the price if necessary. Remember to exercise caution and only proceed with transactions on secure platforms.

Step 5: Transfer Valorant Account Ownership

Once you’ve found a serious buyer and agreed on the terms, it’s time to transfer ownership of your Valorant account. Follow these steps:
  • Payment: Ensure you’ve received the agreed-upon payment for the account through a secure method. Common payment options include PayPal, cryptocurrency, or the platform’s internal payment system.

  • Provide Full Access: Share all the necessary login credentials, including the account’s username, password, and the associated email address, with the buyer.

  • Change Email: If you haven’t already, update the email address associated with the Valorant account to one provided by the buyer.

  • Verify Transfer: The buyer should confirm that they’ve successfully logged in and taken control of the account.

  • Customer Support: Be prepared to offer assistance to the buyer in case they encounter any issues during the transition.

  • Finalize the Sale: Once the buyer is satisfied with the account and the transfer is complete, you can consider the sale finalized. Confirm this with the buyer.

What Happens After Selling Your Valorant Account?

There are two possible scenarios after selling your Valorant account online:
  1. Successful Transaction: In this ideal scenario, you’ve successfully sold your Valorant account to a legitimate buyer. You’ve received payment, transferred ownership, and both parties are satisfied. You can enjoy the proceeds from the sale and move on from the account with no issues.

  2. Chargebacks or Disputes: Unfortunately, some buyers may attempt to initiate a chargeback through their payment method after acquiring the account. This can lead to disputes and potential complications. To mitigate this, make sure to follow secure payment methods and document the entire sale process. Reputable platforms often have mechanisms to help sellers in case of disputes.

Gaming Summary: How to List My Valorant Account for Sale

Selling your Valorant account is akin to turning the final page of a well-played chapter, allowing someone else to pen their adventures in the Valorant world. 
By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a seamless and secure transaction, ensuring that your cherished account finds its way into the hands of a deserving player.
As we journey through these virtual landscapes, our paths often converge with others, intertwining tales and creating memories. 
Remember, your Valorant account isn’t just a collection of pixels; it’s a part of your gaming legacy, and its sale marks the beginning of a new odyssey for both you and the fortunate buyer!