Dolphins in Minecraft are cute creatures! Dolphins were introduced to the Minecraft Universe back in 2018, and since then, they have become some of the most beloved mobs by Minecraft fans.
Mojang specifically stated that they “do not create dolphins to be tamed or kept as pets,” and that they will never consider adding features that allow gamers to “own dolphins.”
But both you and I know how things work in The Overworld, and some of us have managed to keep dolphins inside homemade aquariums.
The problem is that most dolphins die after a while – why does this happen?! This guide will show you how to keep Minecraft dolphins alive in an easy and straightforward way.
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You can keep Minecraft dolphins alive by putting the dolphins in a big tank, ensuring that the tank has high walls so they cannot jump out of it, and placing a big space that the dolphins can use to resurface for air whenever they need to.
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Can You Keep Dolphins in Minecraft?
No – officially, you cannot tame or keep dolphins in Minecraft, but that doesn’t mean that some users wouldn’t find a way to keep them inside their homes.
The truth is that many Minecraft players, whether they play Minecraft Bedrock or Java Edition, have dolphins as “pets” in the Minecraft world.
But, as you might have already experienced, dolphins die if you do not take proper care of them. So, why do Minecraft dolphins keep dying? Let’s answer your questions quickly.
Why Do My Dolphins Keep Dying in Minecraft?
Dolphins in Minecraft, as it happens with real-life dolphins, are mammals with lungs, which means that they need to breathe air to live.
According to the official Minecraft Wiki, dolphins will die if they do not gasp for air for a period of 4 minutes.
Mojang says that dolphins are the only mobs in the game that need both water and air to survive.
You cannot keep a dolphin out of water – it will die quickly.
But you also can’t keep a Minecraft dolphin underwater for more than four minutes – it will also die!
It’s all about finding a balance: dolphins will always need to resurface for air, which is a behavior that other aquatic mobs do not have in the Minecraft Universe.
It seems like a pretty obvious thing, but there are small things in the Minecraft world (why is Minecraft Zombie Not Attacking Villagers?) that many players don’t know about – worry not, we are here to guide you with our expertise.
How to Keep a Pet Dolphin Alive in Minecraft
You are now aware that dolphins need more than water to live – they need air too. But the problem is that dolphins jump out of the water, and they jump pretty high!
Therefore, they might end up getting outside their tank and dying. That’s why when you open your Minecraft gamethrought, some dolphins are missing.
So, how do you keep dolphins alive in Minecraft? These are the steps you need to follow to keep Minecraft dolphins alive.
1. Make a Huge Tank for the Dolphins
Dolphins need space. They play around, swim inside their tanks, and enjoy their surroundings more than other aquatic mobs.
Therefore, make sure to make a big enough tank for them. My recommendation is to make the tank at least 20 blocks wide and at least 15 blocks high. Yeah, I know that this is pretty big, but it is what it is!
2. Leave an Empty Space on the Surface of the Tank
Ensure that dolphins have an empty space on the surface of the tank so they can resurface for air.
Do not entirely cover their tank. If you cover their tank entirely, they will die! They need to breathe, so make sure they have enough space to gasp for air when they need it (dolphins need to breathe air pretty frequently, so don’t sleep on this).
3. Name the Dolphins and Prevent them from Jumping Out of the Tank
Make high walls in the tank’s surface so, when dolphins jump, they do not end up getting out of the tank accidentally.
Also, try to name the dolphins. I know that getting attached to them is not a good thing if they have a high chance of dying, but if you follow this step-by-step guide, then they will be safe and sound.
Then, confirm that the tank works, and place the dolphins inside the tank. Try to place them alongside other aquatic but passive mobs, such as turtles.
Alternative: How to Keep Dolphins Alive in a Tank in Minecraft
This Reddit user found a smart way to keep dolphins alive inside a tank without the need to create an enormous tank.
The method consists of using Soul Sand Blocks to generate bubbles that dolphins can breathe. This is what you have to do:
- Create a small or medium-sized tank for your dolphins.
- Place a set of Soul Sand blocks above the tank. Ensure that one of the blocks connects with the surface of the tank.
- Place the dolphin inside the talk. The Soul Sand will create bubbles that dolphins will use to breathe.
It is worth noting that this method doesn’t always work. That being said, Mojang might patch it soon enough.
Gaming Summary: How to Keep Dolphins Alive in Minecraft
We can’t help but love dolphins in Minecraft – they are one of my favorite animals, and I want to keep them alive for as long as I can.
Just keep in mind that, in order to keep your pet dolphins aline in Minecraft, you must ensure that they have enough space to jump, an opening to gasp for air, and a big tank to swim around.
Get more Minecraft tips (Can You Starve to Death in Minecraft?) from gaming experts here, at Gaming Power Up.
Do Dolphins Suffocate in Minecraft?
Yes, dolphins in Minecraft need both water and air to live. This means that dolphins suffocate if they are kept underwater for more than four minutes.
How Do You Stop Dolphins From Suffocating in Minecraft?
You can stop dolphins from suffocating in Minecraft by giving them a big enough open space on a tank’s surface so they can breathe air properly.