Fortnite hit the scene back in 2017, and even after all these years, it’s still grabbing the attention of players worldwide.
But, hey, after a solid six years of Fortnite, maybe it’s time to explore some other online adventures, and that’s perfectly cool.
It’s not a secret to anyone that Fortnite players have been selling their Fortnite accounts on eBay and other marketplaces for years – we all know about this.
But what if you want to say goodbye to the game? This Gaming Power Up guide shows you how to sell Fortnite account on eBay and online marketplaces in 2024.
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Quick Gaming Answer
You can sell your Fortnite account on eBay or marketplaces by listing it for sale and waiting for a reputable buyer to show interest in buying it. The account must be prepared beforehand (by removing your personal details from the Epic Games account). Read further to learn how to use our Fortnite Account Listing Examples.
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Can I Sell My Fortnite Account?
In practice, you can indeed sell your Fortnite account – you can just list it on eBay and other video game online marketplaces.
It’s like selling your Genshin Impact account or any account that you have on other online games – it’s as easy as searching Fortnite Accounts on eBay and checking thousands of listings that people have published.
However, according to Epic Games and eBay, selling Fortnite accounts is forbidden. But how are so many people selling their accounts, then?
Well, it’s not like selling your Fortnite account is illegal – in fact, selling your Fortnite profile falls into a gray area, which means that even if you are not supposed to do it, you can simply list it online and wait for a buyer.
Epic Games Rules on Selling Fortnite Accounts
Epic Games is pretty clear when it comes to selling Fortnite accounts: users are not allowed to buy or sell other people’s accounts related to Fortnite.
According to Epic Games Terms of Services, these are the most relevant points regarding the rules imposed by the game developer:
- Epic Games says that “Buying and selling accounts is against our terms of service and will result in an account ban.”
- Likewise, Epic says that “Any actions committed, or bans received on your account as a result of sharing are your responsibility as the account creator.”
Either way, submitting a ban appeal on Fortnite is quite simple, and we have already shown you how to do it.
Nonetheless, Epic Games is highly against players selling their Fortnite accounts, and if you get caught (which, in my experience, is unlikely), the account you sold might get banned. That’s why it’s not as simple as just listing your account online – you need to make some changes to it (we’ll get to that soon enough).
What Is the Best Place to Sell Fortnite Accounts?
The best places to sell Fortnite accounts are safe online marketplaces and eBay. However, there are other ways to sell Fortnite accounts, such as listing them on social media platforms or selling it to someone you know in person.
Nevertheless, I don’t recommend players to sell their accounts on social media platforms or other places – instead, going to online marketplaces or eBay is the course of action that you should follow.
How Much Can I Sell My Fortnite Account For?
The general answer is that it depends – some Fortnite accounts sell for just $20, whereas others are sold for thousands of dollars!
The value of your Fortnite account depends on several factors related to it, such as the following:
- Rarity of Skins: The rarity of the skins on the account can significantly impact the value of the account. Skins that are no longer available or were only available during limited events tend to be highly sought after and can fetch a higher price. No one wants to buy an account with the default Fortnite skin!
- V-Bucks Balance: The amount of V-Bucks in the account can also affect its value. The more V-Bucks, the more valuable the account is.
- Battle Pass Level: The higher the Battle Pass level, the more likely the account has rare and exclusive skins, which can increase its value.
- Account Level: An account with a high level, indicating the player has played for a long time and has gained many rewards and achievements, can be more valuable.
- Wins and Stats: Accounts with high win rates, kill/death ratios, and other impressive stats can be more valuable to players who want to show off their skills.
- Account Age: Accounts that have been active for a long time can be more valuable as they may have rare and exclusive items that are no longer available.
3 Tips Before You Sell Your Fortnite Account on eBay or Marketplaces
I know that you are eager to finally sell your Fortnite account, but have some patience – there are three things you should know before listing your Fortnite profile for sale online.
1. Find a Reputable Fortnite Account Buyer
Finding a reputable Fortnite account buyer is not always easy – you need to look through different people and find someone who has a track record of buying Fortnite accounts in the past.
Luckily, if you decide to sell your Fortnite account on eBay or other marketplaces, checking the buyer’s profile is easy – avoid newly created profiles or accounts with bad reputation.
2. Take Real Pictures of Your Fortnite Account on a TV Screen or PC Monitor
This is a rule that no one talks about, but I believe it’s vital when it comes to selling your Fortnite account – take pictures of the account with all its skins and V-Bucks on a TV screen or PC monitor.
The thing is, there are hundreds of Fortnite account scammers online – they just copy others pictures or edit screenshots of Fortnite accounts and then list them to wait for innocent people to fall for their tricks.
If you want to show how trustworthy you are, taking a picture of your Fortnite account on a TV screen or monitor is a great way to differentiate yourself from scammers.
3. Remove Your Personal Information From the Fortnite Account
A crucial step before the Fortnite account selling process is to get your account ready at least 1 week before selling it.
This means that you need to remove your personal information from the account before handing it over to the buyer.
This step requires its own section, so continue to the following part of the guide to learn more.
How to Prepare Your Fortnite Account Before Selling It
As mentioned above, preparing your Fortnite account before selling it is imperative – you need to get rid of all your personal information and payment details from the account before you sell it.
For starters, remember that your Fortnite account is actually your Epic Games account. That’s why Epic Games is against selling/buying accounts – they should be personal and related only to the original account owner.
But this can change – this is how you prepare your Fortnite account before selling it:
1. First, go to the Epic Games Website and log into the Fortnite account you want to tell. Then again, remember that Fortnite Account = Epic Games Account.
2. After logging into your account, go to “Account Settings.”
3. Here, set a new email, new name, and new address for the Fortnite account. You may create a temporary Gmail address that will be linked to the new account.
4. Delete all your payment information from your Epic Games account – get rid of your credit or debit card details.
5. After making all these changes, Fortnite will send you several emails to confirm your decision. That’s why you need to make these changes with enough time.
6. Ensure that all the changes have been saved – the Fortnite account should now be linked to a new email address and should not include any of your personal information.
7. We recommend doing this one or two weeks before selling the account – this way, Epic Games will be unable to detect or ban your account due to “suspicious activity.”

How to Sell Fortnite Account on eBay: 5 Steps
First, we are going to talk about how to sell Fortnite account on eBay. Over 135 million people have purchased something on eBay in the past 12 months (Oberlo), so we are talking about one of the biggest and most recognized online marketplaces around.
These are the steps you need to follow to finally sell your Fortnite account on eBay.
Step 1: Set Up Your eBay Account
Go to, and create a new eBay account. Enter your personal information, such as email, address, and phone number. Verify your email by clicking on the email sent by eBay, and proceed with the following step.
Step 2: Go to “Sell” and Select “List New Item”
After setting up your eBay Profile, go to “Sell,” and then scroll down until you see a button that says “List New Item” – click on it.

Step 3: Describe Your Fortnite Account
Now, eBay will ask you about your new listing. You are selling a Fortnite account, so type in “Fortnite Account.”
You will see some suggestions, such as “Fortnite Account OG Skins” and more. Click on the option that better describes your listing, and move on.

Step 4: Use this Fortnite Account Listing Example (Skins, Pictures, Etc)
Now, you must describe the Fortnite account as accurately as possible – this will increase your chances of selling it fast. Also, remember to include a picture of the account taken directly from a monitor or TV.
If you don’t know how to start writing the eBay listing, follow this Fortnite Account Listing Example:
“Title of the Listing: [Fortnite Account Name] [ Gaming Platform] [Number of Skins/V-Bucks/Wins]
- [Number of Skins]: [Insert Number of Skins]
- [Number of V-Bucks]: [Insert Number of V-Bucks]
- [Number of Wins]: [Insert Number of Wins]
- [List any rare or desirable skins included in the account]
- [List any other notable skins included in the account]
- [Describe the amount of V-Bucks included in the account]
- [List any other notable features of the account, such as exclusive rewards or achievements]”
Replace the information in this template to match your Fortnite account details, and move on to the last step.

Step 5: List Your Fortnite Account and Wait for a Buyer
Finally, make sure that all the info that you have included is accurate and up to date.
Then, submit the listing on eBay, check that the listing has been approved, and wait – sooner or later, potential buyers will show interest in buying your Fortnite account.
Remember to check the profile of the buyer before handing over the details of the account (email and password).
How to Sell Fortnite Account on Digital Marketplaces
Although selling your Fortnite account on eBay sounds like a great alternative, I personally like to do this in digital marketplaces dedicated to game items.
Sometimes, eBay blocks Fortnite account listings – that’s why you can find many listings that say “Fortnite ACC,” “F0rtnite Account,” or “FN Account” instead of just “Fortnite Account.”
This is an issue that online marketplaces don’t have – you can list your Fortnite profile without problems and find a reputable buyer really fast. Follow these steps to learn how to sell Fortnite accounts on online marketplaces.
Step 1: Find a Reputable Digital Marketplace (PlayersLoot)
The first step consists of finding a reputable online marketplace. So, we need to look for a reputable place where to sell Fortnite accounts. There are different online marketplaces that connect sellers with buyers of video game items, but my favorite one is PlayersLoot.
PlayersLoot is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell virtual goods safely and quickly.
Hundreds of Fortnite accounts are listed on PlayersLoot, and safety is guaranteed to both buyers and sellers alike. Thus, go to the marketplace on your web browser, and proceed with the following step.

Step 2: Set up an Account and Apply as a Vendor
Create an account on the online marketplace using your email address, set up a username, and verify your account by clicking on the link sent to your email.
Then, since we want to sell our Fortnite account, we need to apply as a vendor. Click on your profile picture, and select the option that says “Apply as a Vendor.”
PlayersLoot will ask you for some personal details before you are able to list virtual goods.
This is a common practice in online marketplaces, and it helps to ensure the safety of sellers and buyers. The process is pretty quick and easy to follow, so once you do it, move on to the last step.

Step 3: Describe the Fortnite Account Details and Post the New Listing
Since digital marketplaces are designed to easily find video game accounts, you don’t need to manually write some details of the account, such as the gaming platform (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC, etc.).
So, in this case, you need to make your listing shorter. This is a Fortnite Listing Account Template that works for online marketplaces:
“Title: [Fortnite Account] for Sale
- [Account Age]: [Insert Fortnite Account Creation Date]
- [Emotes]: [Insert Number of Emotes]
- [Skins]: [Insert Number of Skins]
- [V-Bucks]: [Insert Number of V-Bucks]
- [Wins]: [Insert Number of Wins]
- [Other Features]: [Insert any other notable features, such as exclusive rewards or achievements]”
As you can see, the listing is usually shorter as all the relevant information related to the Fortnite account has been previously asked by the marketplace.
Upload the listing, and wait for a buyer – that’s how you sell your Fortnite account on online marketplaces.

Can You Get Banned for Selling or Buying a Fortnite Account?
Answering this question is not as straightforward as you think, so we, at Gaming Power Up, will give you three possible scenarios after selling or buying a Fortnite account:
1. Nothing bad happens – you changed the personal information of your account before selling it, and the selling process went smoothly. This is the most common scenario.
2. You failed to change the Fortnite account details, and need additional verification by Epic Games. If you don’t prepare your Fortnite account before selling it, Epic Games might require additional verification to ensure that nothing “suspicious” happens to your account after providing the details to the buyer.
3. You get caught by Epic Games, and therefore, they ban your Fortnite account. This is highly unlikely if you follow all the steps in this guide. This is a rare scenario that hardly happens.
Gaming Summary: And That’s How You Sell Your Fortnite Account
Whether you’re buying or selling Fortnite accounts, safety is a must for both parties.
Selling your Fortnite account isn’t a race; it’s about doing it the right way. Fortunately, if you go through all the steps outlined in this detailed guide, you can get your Fortnite account up for sale swiftly, smoothly, and safely.
Whatever the reason, when you sell off your account for the game Fortnite, there is bound to be something in your heart. You can choose to customize some memorabilia to commemorate the game. Custom Pins are a great option.
You can customize a unique pin with your favorite elements of your Fortnite account, decorate it on your backpack or clothes, and share it with your companions. For more updated Fortnite guides, swing by Gaming Power Up – I hope you are enjoying Lego Fortnite as well!
Gamers Also Ask
Is It Safe to Buy Fortnite Accounts on eBay?
Normally, it’s safe to sell Fortnite accounts on eBay, but it’s safer to do so in online marketplaces dedicated to selling virtual goods online.